Who are we?

08 May 2011

the book title

I sat in the coffee shop and perused the titles of the books on the shelf across the corridor.  This can be a rewarding past time in many ways, but this day the emerging train of thought was unusual.  "When God was a Rabbi."  Well, I supposed, that made some kind of sense;  Jesus was a Rabbi, Christians think he is (in some way) God, God was once a Rabbi.  Interesting.  Then I noticed that the book was in the novels section.  Unusual.

However ... a few days later, being interested in spiritual things, I actually went into the bookshop to look at the book.  Behold.  I had missed a faint 't'.  "When God was a Rabbit".  When God was a rabbit?  What?  Even as humour it seems seriously bizarre.   

I guess none of us have terribly clear-cut God-concepts.  I mean, if God really exists, he must be a bit beyond anyones level of analysis.  In fact, John (the spiritual sage we are reading) tells us that his spiritual guide once said, "No one has seen the Father (that's what he called God) except the one who is sent from God; only he has seen the Father."
So, yes, only someone amazingly different, someone sent from God, could really know what he is like.  But a rabbit?  I am fairly confident not on the list of possible conceptual descriptors.

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