Who are we?

19 July 2011

the red light

As I came into the urb this morning I was intrigued by light - red light.
Before my breakfast date it was traffic: lights to help every see in the dark.
After breakfast I walked from one urban connection-place to another.  The red light was coming from a tree full of flowers reflecting the risen sun.  Light for the day, made delightful (!) for those with eyes to see.
The third red light is where I am now.  A chirpy upbeat coffee shop, with red branding all over it.
Light.  We use it so much for all sorts of things from safety, to necessity, to comfort, to atmosphere, to branding ...
It is an enormously satisfying metaphor too.  We have seen that our spiritual mentor uses it a lot.  In his notes on the spiritual life he says:
"God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."
That contrasts with some understandings: some which see the 'supreme force' as being a balance between light and dark, good and evil; others which see 'gods' or 'spirits' as rather capricious beings.
I wonder.  Can John be right?  Is God light without darkness?

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