Who are we?

08 September 2011

why talk about it?

Sometimes I wonder why I am writing inner thoughts on the internet, which is so very much out there.  I mean, is it spiritual to talk about spiritual things?  I know that in many parts of society it is considered seriously impolite to mention religion or spirituality.  I can understand that - 'society' is all about not rocking the boat, which basically means being as superficial as possible.  Talking about anything that actually matters is too risky.
Philosophy ... that most spiritual intellectual activity ... reduced to expensive dresses?
But I'm thinking about people who want to take the risk.  When we are searching for depth, seeking meaning, exploring the core ... then, does it make sense to talk about it, or is talking (especially on the Internet) so shallow in itself that it is inappropriate?
Perhaps worse, is it arrogant to talk spirituality?  Does it suggest that I think I have something to say which others don't know?  After all that pride in itself would be very against so much of what has emerged as I have explored the ancient John in the urban context of 2011.  I return to the sage.
"I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth."

So, maybe it's okay.  Conversation about spiritual things is good.  It enriches us; it is part of the journey.

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