Who are we?

30 July 2011


A manager tried to blame the woman at the front desk for his incompetence.
Someone sidled into the queue in front of me.
A woman was rude and unreasonable with the guys making the coffee.
The sales person bullies a shopper into buying something inappropriate.
A colleague takes credit for what I did.

erupts so easily when I am on the receiving end of wrongdoing.
But what about when I am the perpetrator of wrongdoing?

Is there some way to deal with this other than anger?
When it's my bad, is there some way out other than pretending I am in the right?

John tells us that God forgives us when we recognise our wrong.  Perhaps other people will too?  Perhaps I can forgive?  Tough to acknowledge when it's my bad; even worse to let go of my grudge against someone else!
(God goes further ... "he is faithful and just and will forgive us our wrong actions and purify us from all unrighteousness."  But that is another much bigger story!)

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