Who are we?

14 August 2011

sacred space on the street?

It's Sunday morning.  
Lots of religious people are in church.  
Even quite a lot of spiritual people are in church.
So what am I doing in vida-e-caffe?
After all, I am seeking spiritual life, and there is a church about 300m from here.

The thing is, this loud urban hub is slowly filling up with people who may be religious or spiritual at other times, but aren't thinking about that at the moment.  There are already a whole crew of people who work here.  They have no choice, they have to be here.
So the quest is for spiritual life "on the street" - in my case, in the coffee shop; for a friend, serving people buying clothes.
Is there any hope?

Well, a wise man once told us that provision has been made for our spiritual life: Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, has sacrificed himself so that we can enter spiritual life.  But, here is the key to my question for today, he is not only interested in people in a "sacred space" ... his sacrifice is for the whole world.  Everyone, everywhere.  John, the wise man, then tells us:  We know that we have come to know this Righteous One if we do what he says.

So.  Spiritual life is possible here at vida-e-caffe.  Spiritual life is possible in this supremely materialistic shopping centre: all it takes is listening to what he says.

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