Who are we?

30 March 2011


Living in urban society is an individualistic lifestyle.  Even when I recognise that life is deeper than the material, I can pursue spirituality for my own sake.  One might want to experience the esoteric, or explore meaningful values ... but it the experience must make me better, or more powerful, or more important.
John records for us a conversation between an unknown woman and the man who effected his own spiritual awakening.  The talk moves from being thirsty in the heat, through the concept of spiritual thirst back to the challenging everyday life circumstances faced by the woman.  At that point, instead of trying to get help with her own material needs, or even with her personal inner state of being, the woman turns the conversation to worship ... how to give honour to someone greater, how to acknowledge the glory of God.  
The spiritual guide points to the inadequacy of mere religion.  "God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."  Spiritual life is not authentic when it is self-centred; it needs to focus on a greater reality.

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