Who are we?

22 March 2011

living by the truth

Urban activities often have strict unwritten rules.  We only feel safe when we buy in to the expectations inherent in the situation.  So we end up living by different values in different parts of our lives.  We live one way at work, diverge from this with friends, live another way when we shop, and differently with our families.  We worry about who is watching.
What is the spiritual way to live in the diverse arenas that confront us?  
"But those who live by the truth come into the light, so that it may be plainly seen that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."  John seems to think that we will be happy to let everyone see everything we do if we do everything as if God is the one watching.  The tricky thing is, we need to know something about who he is if it's going to work!

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