Who are we?

16 January 2016

Outsider in the Family

This is a record of something that happened about three thousand years ago in the Middle East.  Things were very different, so different that we might wonder whether there is any point to reading the story today.  There is – because as we read we discover that people haven’t changed, and if the Bible is right about God, he hasn’t changed either. 
This saga opens with things ready to go wrong in the small collection of tribes where David lived.  The king had become a “rogue king” and was leading badly.  A new option was needed, and Samuel was designated by God to recognise the right person and set change in motion.  He discovers that God has his eye on one of a number of brothers. 
The oldest brother is so impressive that Samuel is sure he has found the person.  It turns out he is wrong:  “People look at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart”.  Seven brothers later, Samuel seemed to be out of options.  So he asks the father, “Are these all the sons you have?”
Turns out there is still David (our guy).  But he hasn’t even been brought to the party because he is the youngest and most unimportant.  In fact he is out in the veld somewhere looking after the family sheep.  An outsider in his own family.  Yet he is the one God plans to use. 
God often uses the outsider, the unexpected or unrecognised person.  He is looking for people who are willing to see things differently, to see things his way.

If I am an impressive person, someone recognised as important, I need to remember this.  God is not impressed by the things our culture praises and rewards.  The truly extraordinary people are people with good hearts, people with an inner life which harmonises with the way God intends his world to be.

On the other hand, if I feel excluded; if I feel like an outsider even where I should belong, I should remember God’s focus on the inner life too.  I need not focus on trying to fit in.  I need not feel discouraged that I am an outsider.  I can do what is important: consider my heart. 

1 Samuel 16:1-13

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