Who are we?

01 October 2011

the hedonistic approach

our urban hub has its share of 'pleasure' too
the places where there is that intense desperate seizing on the escape of physical excitement

Our ancient philosopher tried the intellectual and found it insufficient.  So in his city he pursued pleasure, just like we do in ours.  We feel that perhaps if we take time out from the mind we will find satisfaction.
Whether at the night club or the sex shop we seek a connection with others; we try to enter another aspect of life.  Or perhaps we are less relentless and try milder forms of pleasure, entering other worlds through the movies or the online games.  
"I said to myself, 'Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.'  But that also proved to be meaningless."
It feels great while it's on.  We feel close before the alcohol wears off.  We enjoy the intimacy until we wake up.  And then it turns out to be meaningless.  Life is still empty of deeper significance.  The spiritual dimension is still missing.
The search is still on.

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