Who are we?

28 May 2011

light: the recurring theme

A city is all about light in some ways.  At night our sky is almost starless because we fill up our space with artificial light.  We use light to define ourselves and our spaces.  Dark alleys are dangerous; subtle lights are romantic; dark spaces hidden by moving lights are exciting ... 
Religious festivals often use light too.  At an ancient festival where lights were used to represent the written revelation given by God, a spiritual teacher once stood up and claimed: "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  Religion can be comfortable or oppressive, but 'light of life' sounds like something worthwhile.

Is it more likely that spiritual truth will be found through writings or through a person?  Maybe one needs both.  Where do I find spiritual light?  Is it even really there?

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