Who are we?

07 November 2014


Our lives can be so mundane.  Sometimes we stride through life happy to be in control; but the reality is that we have traded the magic of mystery for power over the ordinary.  At other times we feel the oppression of the commonplace; we long for some secret surprise to be there, waiting for discovery, behind the crushing conventions.

The next sentence in the letter to these first century urbanites speaks to both.  We discover that God, far from being an impersonal force or a mechanistic essence, has intention.  Now that is a mystery worthy of the word.  The world is not just bumping along without purpose, God has plans. 
But knowing that there is someone at work beyond the surface could make us feel excluded and hopeless.  Mystery is only exciting, if I can be part of it, if there is a way for me to catch sight of what is coming.  That is exactly what our writer tell us has happened:
God not only has intention, his will arises out of breadth of knowledge and depth of insight, good judgement and perfect understanding: God is wise.  Out of that wisdom he has not only made plans, but he has opened up the secret to us. 
The overarching plan is “to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth”. 
Imagine that.  We get a glimpse behind the universe. 

Not right now, we can all see that, but “when the times reach their fulfilment” this amazing coming together of everything will happen.  Everything is working towards something wonderful. 

The Bible: Ephesians 1:8-10

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