
14 February 2014

If I were richer I would be fine!

The car one drives is one of the signals of wealth (or perhaps of debt, but that is another story).  With so many people around us, it is easy to feel the differences sharply.  It is intuitive to feel that if I had more money I would be better off; I'd be more secure.  It's obvious!
"Those who trust in their riches will fall,
but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf."

The writer of our wise sayings challenges the obvious!  It's not just that there is more to life than money; everyone knows that.  It is much bigger than that.  It is about how we live and what we strive for.
Am I putting my energy into money and possessions, or am I putting my energy into living in the right way?  Do I live out justice?

Is my focus on security through money?  Well, maybe I should consider the different positives of living in a way that makes the world a better place for other people.  Maybe I should think "thrive"?

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