Who are we?

27 October 2013

good parenting

Four generations!
I have lots of pithy saying in my head that start "Mom always said ..." or "Dad used to say ..."
I am fortunate: A lot of them are helpful.  Some are funny.  Only a few are things that I have needed to escape from.

"Listen, my son, to your father's instruction
and do not forsake your mother's teaching.
They are a garland to grace your head
and a chain to adorn your neck."

I wonder how many of the things I say are sayings my children need to escape from?  Not too many I hope.  The proverb-writer believed that the key to being a good parent was a genuinely life-giving heritage of ideas-for-living.  That is something to celebrate (a garland to grace your head).  That is something beautifully valuable (a chain to adorn your neck).

I hope I can leave a heritage to be celebrated, admired and valued for my children, and many others around me.  Maybe this is your hope too?

I am grateful for my parents, and significant other people, who have left me with life-giving thoughts on how to live well.  Maybe you can be grateful too?  If your parents did a bad job, and you battle with death-scripts, take heart - one can start again with life coaching from other sources, from the good parents around one.  The collection of Solomon's proverbs is one of those places.

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