Who are we?

03 November 2011

oppression in the city

We don't often look, but when we see what our economic system demands of people it can be discouraging.  It feels as if the world used to be easy, when everyone had a place in the sun.  but not anymore.
It is as if there are two types of people: those who are exploited and those who are triumphant (subtext: by exploiting others).
But this is not a new thing.  Our ancient philosopher observed: 
I saw the tears of the oppressed - 
and they have no comforter;
power was on the side of their oppressor - 
and they have no comforter.
He was ready to despair over the misery of oppressed and oppresssor. Instead he began to consider wealth and poverty, and to explore the meaning behind acheivement.  He didn't insist on coming to conclusions, he cultivated the ability to see and consider.
Perhaps we are too quick to stop thinking about the things that make us uncomfortable; perhaps part of living spiritually is willingness to engage with the difficult aspects of life.

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